A car that’s new, a burger that makes you spew and other stories

So after months of pushing, I finally got Dawn to focus on finding a new car. I’m pretty sure it was my excellent persuasive skills, but it may have had something to do with getting a baby in and out of the backseat of a tiny 2-door car as well. There’s no way to be sure. After looking around for a while we found a Hyundai Tuscon in Louisville we liked that was priced pretty well. She called them up and ended up negotiating a pretty amazing deal, so we went out there last Saturday to check it out. We ended up really liking it and it really was ridiculously well priced (like, the dealer lost money kind of good deal). So yes, we bought it. We’ve been really happy with it.
Since Dawn got 3rd place in our ward’s chili cook-off we had a gift certificate to Chili’s, but there isn’t one around where we live so we decided to go while in Louisville… big mistake. I’m not sure when I will be able to walk into another Chili’s again. We ate; I had a burger, and then we headed back off for home. That night I started feeling a little weird. We went to bed while I was still feeling kind of ok. An hour later I was writhing on the bathroom floor; it was probably one of the most miserable nights of my life, and considering some things I’ve been through, that is saying something. It’s been a week now and I think I am finally feeling mostly normal again.
Other than that things are good. I was hired into a new position within the company I already work for. I will be a “global planner” for one of our business lines, whatever that means… I start training tomorrow and begin next Monday, so, that’s exciting. Dawn finally graduates in a few more weeks, which we are both very much looking forward to.
Ryan’s been lots of fun. He is now starting to enjoy his bumbo, and he is getting “sink baths” in addition to his regular bath time. Sink baths are special because he just gets his lower half washed. You can take a guess at the circumstances under which he gets a sink bath. He is also now letting us get as much sleep as we would like. Yes, he has dropped his night time feeding, and so we get a blissful 9 hours in between feedings.
Umm, the end.

One Response to “A car that’s new, a burger that makes you spew and other stories”

  1. Shannon Says:

    Oh my goodness Ryan is getting so big! I just want to hold him all day long! We are so excited about everyone coming in for Thanksgiving! It is going to be crazy now that there are so many kids, but it will be awesome! I love your new car! But what happened to the Isuzu? And I can understand Dawn getting tired of a baby with a 2 door, that was the one requirement I had when we were looking for a car after my accident in 2008, I had to have a 4 door! I am sorry you got sick! That is NEVER fun. But I am glad you’re feeling better, and just in time for the holidays! See ya guys soon!

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